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  Planes de financiación hasta 12 cuotas con Tarjeta de Crédito
Recargos : 3 cuotas: 15% // 6 >> 23% // 9 >> 34% // 12 >> 49%
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POPCORN Insumos (continuacion)

Flavacol® Profit Maker Seasoning Salts
  World’s Most Popular Seasoning
Salt Because
• “Alberger Process” salt is a finer flake, not a crystal
• More of a “salt” sensation with less sodium
• A far better butter flavor than any other brand
• Available as the original Profit Maker formula… or, “Premier”
(no Yellow #5 or #6.)
• Available in handy quart size milk cartons, 45 lb. pails or 50 lb.
bulk pack
• All “Mega Pop” brand Portion Pak features “Original Profit
Maker Formula” Flavacol®

If you want to sell more popcorn, Flavacol® can be your secret ingredient! Worldwide, more and more popcorn is popped with
Flavacol® Seasoning Salt every year! The reasons are simple.
Flavacol® users sell more popcorn – make more money!
Don’t settle for anything less than Flavacol®…use the best
and you’ll sell the most!
Flavacol®’s superiority starts with the salt itself – a special Alberger Process salt that contains 130 million flakes per pound. 
The fine salt flakes stick to the popcorn, whereas a ground salt will tend to fall off.
The Alberger Process also removes trace minerals which lead to a bitter taste if too much is used. Regular Flavacol® contains just the right blend of Yellow #5 and #6 colors to give popcorn a bright appealing yellow color – not sickly yellow – not pink – just right for maximum sales appeal! Premier Flavacol® contains a heat stable Riboflavin for color – use if your popcorn containers do not mention Yellow #5 and #6 colors.
Riboflavin is expensive, but it does not fade like Annatto and Tumeric, which are used by some producers. Butter flavor – that’s where we really shine. No one holds a candle to our butter flavor – many have tried to copy it, but failed miserably.
#2045 Original
Profit Maker
Formula Flavacol

Case of 12, 35 oz.
#2500 Premier
Case of 12, 35 oz.

45lb. Pails
Original Flavacol®
Premier Flavacol®

"Original Profit
Maker Formula"
and "Premier"
No Yellow #5
or #6

50lb. Bulk Packs
#2100 Original
#2501 Premier

Portion Pak “Foil Oil” Makes Profits Easy
Three Oil Choices
Three Pouch Sizes
Coconut, Corn, Sunflower Oils
COCONUT OIL 1.6 oz., 2 oz.
or 3.8 oz. sizes
foil pouches
For 6 oz. Poppers
For 8 oz. Poppers
For 12/14 oz. Poppers
+ =$
Easy Pop
1.6 oz. per
Perfect for
6 oz. kettle
240, 1.6 oz.
per cs.
Naks Pop
2 Oil
2 oz. per
perfect for
8 oz. kettles;
might be a
little too
much for 6
oz. 96, 2 oz.
per cs.
Naks Pop
4 Oil

3.8 oz.
pouches of
Oil. Perfect
for 12 or 14
oz. kettle
48 pouches
per cs.
Sun Pop
2 oz.
pouches of
Oil. Perfect
for 8 oz.
kettles; okay
for 6 oz. 96, 2
oz. pouches
per cs.
Naks 2
2 oz. foil
of liquid
Corn Oil.
96, 2 oz.
per cs.
#2637 Mega Pop
Corn and Salt Kits
By far the most
popular popping oil is
coconut oil containing
color and imitation
butter flavor, however
we give you 3
choices. The #2637
two-way kit, plus the
foil pouch oil of your
choice is the easiest
way to make perfect
popcorn every time.
Only Mega Pop
contains original
recipe profit maker
formula Flavacol. Ask
for Mega Corn and
Salt Kits by name.
You’ll sell more
popcorn and you’ll
serve better tasting
popcorn when you
#2041 Coconut Oil with Butter Flavor
This 76 degree melt point Coconut Oil is easily
digested – great imitation butter flavor creates
the taste and aroma you love – the only popping
oil that both maximizes sales and helps keep your
kettle clean.
#2350 White Coconut Oil
#2650 Liquid Corn Oil Corn Oil
is stocked for those who want a liquid and for
those who want poly-unsaturated oil. You need
to clean your kettle a little more frequently. Great
imitation butter flavor – not quite the nutty taste
you get with Coconut Oil.
Call for Pricing.

Liquid Corn

Coconut Oil
Solid 76° F
melt point
A. #2071 Stamped Aluminum Scoop
B. #2084 Left Handed Perforated Aluminum Jet Scoop
C. #2073 Right Handed Aluminum Jet Scoop (standard)
D. #2072 Perforated Stainless Steel Jet Scoop
E. #2105 Large Perforated Jet Scoop, Right Handed
F. #2106 Large Perforated Jet Scoop, Left Handed
G. #2108 Jumbo Perforated Jet Scoop, Right Handed
H. #2109 Jumbo Perforated Jet Scoop, Left Handed
I. #2076 Large Plastic All Purpose/Ice Scoop
J. #2078 Small Cast Aluminum Scoop
K. #2074 Large Cast Aluminum Scoop For our Nacho Scoop, use the Aluminum Jet Scoop (letter B or C)
Triple Your Pocorn Sales! Caramel Lite Popcorn Sells Better!
Caramel Lite Popcorn Sells Better! Caramel Lite is a lightly Caramel Candy Glazed topper you produce directly in your
popcorn machine kettle. Some locations report sales up 100%, 200% or even more once they switched from regular salty corn to Caramel Lite. 

Portion Pak Foil Pouches of Caramel Lite Glaze Pop® make it easy.
Use your regular flavored popping oil, corn and Flavacol® Seasoning Salt,
plus one pouch of Glaze Pop® during everypopping cycle for perfect Caramel LitePopcorn!
#2534 Caramel Lite Glaze-Pop Pouches

48, 4 oz. pouches per cs. Shipping weight 14 lbs.

#2525 Caramel Lite Glaze-Pop
In 28 oz. cartons.
This may be the ideal way for some to produce Caramel Lite Popcorn. Use half a corn measure of Carmel Lite powder – put in the kettle at the same time you put in your Corn,
Oil and Flavacol®. Be sure to see Heat ’n Kleen Kettle Cleaner on page 22.

Compound S is popular wherever
sweet/sugar corn is popped
directly in the kettle. Not
necessary when you use Glaze
Pop®. Use about a tablespoon
per batch of popcorn – more in
larger kettles. Cuts kettle
cleaning to only once per day.
#2320 Compound S, 24 oz. jar
#2324 Compound S, 35 lb. bulk
pail, Bag-In-A-Box
#2521 Cherry Pink
12, 28 oz. ctns. per cs.
#2523 Chocolat
12, 26 oz. ctns. per cs.
#2522 Grape
12, 28 oz. ctns. per cs.
#2524 Blue Raspberry
12, 28 oz. ctns. per cs.
#2525 Caramel
12, 28 oz. ctns. per cs.
#2526 Red Cinnamon
12, 28 oz. ctns. per cs.
Single Batch
Size Glaze Pop Pouches

48, 4 oz. pouches per cs. 
#2534 Caramel
Portion Pak Pouches
#2535 Cherry Pink
Portion Pak Pouches
#2528 Red Cinnamon
Portion Pak Pouches

#2529 Caramel
Lite Bags

6" x 16" (15 x 41
cm), 3.8 oz., pre-
printed net
weight. Actually
holds more;
especially if you
coat the product
heavily. Packed
in cases of 1000.

Caramel Glaze Pop® 50 lb.
Bulk is a Bag-In-A-Box. The
busy high traffic location
may want to use Bulk Caramel
Lite Glaze Pop®.
#2533 Caramel Lite Glaze
Pop 50 lb. Bulk Bag-In-A-Box

Shipping weight 53 lbs.

Una explosión de ventasGrandes ganancias !!!Una explosión de ventasGrandes ganancias !!!Una explosión de ventasGrandes ganancias !!!

Popcorn, Pochoclo, Pororó,  Palomitas de Maiz...
Diferentes nombres para una misma golosina  que bate records de ganancias.
Dulce o Salado >>>>   Produce un 85% de beneficio !

Atraiga con su aroma irresistible !!

NUEVO Maiz Especial para Popcorn:
Requiere menos aceite que el maiz pisingallo común - 90%
de ahorro en aceite para popcorn salado (60% para popcorn dulce)

Especial p/ popcorn
A diferencia de otros aceites, no se quema.
Popcorn más rico. Mayor vida util de olla 

Cick AquiMaquinas
de_Popcorn (pochocleras)
Goldmedal (made_in_USA)

pochoclera_hogar.jpg (6801 bytes)Olla_de Popcorn  hogareña

Copo de Azucar (coperas)Coperas
Copo de Azucar (coperas)
Agodon de_Azucar, Cotton_Candy

Equipo a gasMaquinas 
de Pochoclo
fabricadas en Argentina

Exhibidores Calientes sin fabricadorExhibidores calientes
(sin fabricador)


para las Maquinas

Exhibidores calientes Exhibidores calientes
para envases

Equipo IndustrialEquipos 
Industriales Goldmedal
(made in USA)

gm5908popgas.jpg (14125 bytes)Maquinas a Gas
(Made in USA)

Mostradores exhibidores calientes Mostradores Calientes 



Pagina de Inicio:
Conozca el catalogo mas completo
de Equipos p/ Fast-Food 

Ventas Internacionales
Envios directos desde fabricas
instaladas en USA, Argentina o Europa
Informes sobre Ventas Internacionales:  Clic Aquí

Ventas en Argentina
Precios en Pesos
AR$ o Dólares U$D según artículo
No incluye IVA
(10,5% a 21% según artículo)
Emitimos Facturas del tipo A y B
Algunos precios pueden estar desactualizados
Consultar Precios por E-mail o Tel.
Dolar Oficial (tipo de cambio vendedor)

Pr. EXW "USA": Precio a la salida de fabrica en USA
Pr. EXW "Arg.": Precio a la salida de fabrica en ARGENTINA

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  Ventas a toda Latino América, USA., Canadá, Europa...
Tel / Fax:  (54-11)
5219-1060 / 1061 / 1062   -  4373-1127 
Salón de Ventas: Montevideo 566, Piso 5° B
 (C1019ABL) Ciudad Autónoma Buenos Aires - ARGENTINA
